Special Presentations

See our past presentations from special guests.

2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2023


Teaching Scripture and Science Educator Conference

July 28–29, 2023

Explore different approaches to teaching scripture and science in secondary education classrooms at our Teaching Scripture and Science Educator Conference.

My Life and the Bible with Tony Evans

March 16, 2023

Tony Evans is one of the most influential church leaders of our time and has been studying and preaching the gospel for more than 50 years. He is senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, and founder of The Urban Alternative, a ministry that promotes a kingdom-agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life underneath the comprehensive rule of God. Watch as Dr. Tony Evans discusses how the Bible has impacted his life, ministry, and the why behind his Bible commentary.

Does Your Bible Have the Apocrypha?

March 14, 2023

Dr. David deSilva’s speaker series will explore what the books of the Apocrypha contain, why their place in the canon has been a matter of dispute, what their influence has been upon Christian faith and practice, and what they have to offer all Christians who seek a richer understanding of the Judaism of the Second Temple period and the world of the early Christian movement.

Town Hall with A. R. Bernard

March 9, 2023

Rev. A. R. Bernard is an author and the founding pastor of the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York. As a counselor to entertainers, politicians, and business leaders, Bernard thinks deeply about faith and its intersection with culture. Watch as he engages in a lively discussion about this topic with a moderator, titled, "The Bible in a Changing Culture—Why Does it Matter?"


Cornel West and Robert P. George: On Honesty and Courage in a Time of Polarization

November 18, 2020

Two of America's most important public intellectuals—Robert P. George and Cornel West—come together to discuss the urgent need for honesty and courage at a time when mutual suspicion and animosity undermine civic friendship and imperil social order. George and West will draw upon the resources of faith and reason—in the biblical tradition—to rise above extreme polarization.

Winning the Vote! The Woman’s Bible and Suffrage

August 13, 2020

Join Museum of the Bible in an online discussion about The Woman’s Bible, a biblical commentary written by suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others, as we celebrate 100 years since the passing of the 19th Amendment. This event will be held virtually using Zoom.

A Conversation with Washington Nationals Chaplain Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

July 2, 2020

From blessing baseball bats, to praying with the injured and encouraging the team to “stay in the fight,” Monsignor Rossetti will share stories of what it was like to minister to our hometown team throughout their extraordinary 2019 season.

The Bible in Our Hands

February 2, 2020

Focusing on two of the most prominent Jewish manuscripts in America, Dr. Gary Rendsburg, a leading scholar in biblical and Judaic studies, walks us through the story of the Hebrew Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the versions we read today.

Free Exercise Equality

January 16, 2020

Join us for a conversation with experts from the Religious Freedom Institute as we explore religious freedom as a fundamental human right.

Faith and the American University

January 12, 2020

Do people of faith still have a place in the American university? Join us for this important conversation.


Who Is an Evangelical?

October 29, 2019

Dr. Thomas Kidd, one of America’s top historians, will engage Russell Moore and Reverend Thabiti Anyabwile in a spirited conversation about the history of the evangelical movement and the current crisis it faces. A reception and book signing will follow.

How Happiness Happens — An Evening with Max Lucado

September 16, 2019

Ever wondered what the secret to lasting happiness is? Meet Max Lucado and hear what he has found that lasts as he launches his newest book How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a world of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations. Join us on September 16 to celebrate this pastor and best-selling author. Receive a signed copy of his book upon registering!

Celebrate the Torah at Museum of the Bible

April 2019

Museum of the Bible and 929 celebrated the 929 global online Tanakh study project as it reached the completion of the study of the Torah in its cycle. Concurrent programs were held in the museum throughout the day, followed by a conversation with Dr. Robert Alter, University of California at Berkley, and Dr. Adele Berlin, professor emerita, University of Maryland.

The Archaeology of Religious Interaction in Late Antique Palestine

March 2019

This lecture explored the interaction between Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities during the tumultuous seventh century CE through recent archaeological discoveries!

Celebrate Women's History Month Speaker Series

March 2019

Museum of the Bible celebrated Women’s History Month with a special panel focused on the impact of faith and the Bible on women in the clergy, workplace and communities.

First President, First Freedom: Religious Freedom and Washington’s Election

February 2019

Confronting rising threats of violent intolerance, including the October 2018 massacre at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, this panel discussed Washington’s legacy of religious freedom.


The Bible and War

November 2018

How does the Bible relate to war? A distinguished panel discussed the topics of just war theory and peacemaking negotiations in relationship to the Bible.

Antisemitism Unmasked: How the Bible Exposes the Evil of Antisemitism With Dr. Michael Rydelnik

October 2018

This lecture reviewed the enduring nature of the world’s oldest hatred and examined what the Bible reveals about this terrible evil.

Chosen People, Promised Lands: The Bible, Israel and U.S. Foreign Policy

October 2018

This panel discussion among leading scholars placed the controversial phenomenon of “Christian Zionism” in the context of American’s historical fascination with biblical themes of covenant and redemption.

Only One Life

June 2018

Jackie Green and Lauren McAfee discussed their book, Only One Life: How a Woman's Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy, and the important women of the Bible who have made impact on our world!

The Lindisfarne Gospels

March 2018

Professor Michelle P. Brown explored the creation of the beautifully illuminated Lindisfarne Gospels on Holy Island off the northeast coast of Britain over 1,300 years ago.