Rights & Reproduction

Intellectual Property Rights and Reproduction Conditions

Images, content, and other intellectual property owned or managed by Museum of the Bible (MOTB) are provided only for personal or professional study or for non-commercial use unless otherwise approved. No reproductions in any form may be made unless otherwise stated in writing by Museum of the Bible. MOTB images, content, and other intellectual property may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent. If Museum of the Bible grants permission for reproduction, the following conditions apply.

Credit Guidelines: One of the following basic credit lines must be used for each item reproduced, unless an alternative is provided and approved, use the following:

  • For images of artifacts from the Museum of the Bible Collection: Courtesy Museum of the Bible Collection. All rights reserved. © Museum of the Bible, 2020.
  • For images of artifacts from the Green Collections: Courtesy Museum of the Bible, Green Collection. All rights reserved. © Museum of the Bible, 2020.
  •  For images of artifacts from The Signatry Collection: Courtesy Museum of the Bible, The Signatry Collection. All rights reserved. © Museum of the Bible, 2020.
  • For other, non-artifact-related images or video content: Courtesy Museum of the Bible. All rights reserved. © Museum of the Bible, 2020.


We ask that you comply with these guidelines:

  • Published Materials: The credit line typically should appear on the same or facing page as the item or on a separate acknowledgments or attributions page. Each individual item must be credited properly. For Photo Image Captions, see below.
  • Films, Slideshows, Digital, and Video Presentations: the credit line should appear within the “Sources for items” or “Credits” section of the production.
  • Exhibitions: The credit should appear in the exhibition area, preferably directly below or adjacent to the item.
  • Web: The credit should appear either adjacent to the item or in a “Sources” or “Credits” section.
  • Photo Caption Guidelines: The purchaser/user is required to use the image caption information provided on this Rights and Reproduction Agreement. If applicable, additional credit must be given as instructed. Requests for any changes in wording must be submitted in writing to Museum of the Bible for final review and approval. Use the following wording adjacent to the image for photo captions:
  • Permission: Museum of the Bible grants permission for one-time, non-exclusive use in one publication within a specified territory only for the purpose applied for in writing by the purchaser on the Rights and Reproduction Conditions. Reprints, new editions, and other projects and products require new application for use. In authorizing the publication of an item, MOTB does not surrender its own right, title ownership, right to publish, or grant permission to others the right to do so.
  • Rights of Refusal: Museum of the Bible reserves the right to decline to provide items to applicants who have not complied with its policies or whose products are deemed unacceptable for any reason.
  • Alteration: Items supplied may not be cropped, distorted, superimposed on any other item, or modified in any way without written permission from Museum of the Bible.
  • Gratis Copy: The publisher or purchaser shall furnish, without charge, to Museum of the Bible, two (2) copies of the publication in which the item appears.
  • Disclaimer: Museum of the Bible assumes no responsibility for infraction of copyright laws, invasion of privacy, or improper or illegal use that may arise from reproduction of the item. Responsibility for obtaining any third-party permission, if necessary, rests solely with the user.

The purchaser's signature, payment, or reproduction of the item shall constitute proof of purchaser's agreement to all conditions stated herein.

Rights & Reproduction Request