November 11, 2018 2 p.m.
Gathering Room
Museum of the Bible
$9.95 Admission,
$4.95 for Members,
Employees,Volunteers, and Students are free*
About the Event
How does the Bible relate to war? Biblical narratives express both violent judgment and nonviolent resistance. For thousands of years, nations have appealed to the Bible and religion to defend conquest and military action. Without surprise, the question of how the Bible relates to justice and peace is still discussed among public policy and world affairs organizations today. Join us for a panel discussion on the topics of just war theory and peacemaking negotiations in relationship to the Bible.
Mark Tooley
President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy and editor of its foreign policy and national security journal, Providence.
Joe Capizzi, Ph.D.
Executive director of the Institute for Human Ecology and an ordinary professor of moral theology at The Catholic University of America.
Eric Patterson, Ph.D.
Professor at and the former dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. His research and teaching focus on religion and politics, ethics and international affairs, and just-war theory in the context of contemporary conflict.
Father Drew Christiansen
A Jesuit priest, Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Global Human Development at Georgetown University and a Senior Research Fellow at the university’s Berkley Center for Religion, Ethics and World Affairs. As director of the U.S. Catholic Conference’s Office of International Justice and Peace he worked on armed conflict and humanitarian protection in the Balkans, the Middle East and Central America. He was the chief staff consultant on the U.S. bishops’ 1993 peace statement, “The Harvest of Justice is Sown in Peace” and a member of the first International Mennonite-Catholic Dialogue which issued the statement “Called Together to Be Peacemakers.” Since 2013 he has worked directly with the Holy See on nuclear disarmament. He serves on the coordinating committee of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. He is a consultant to the Holy See Observer Mission to the United Nations on international security, and in that capacity was a member of the delegation that negotiated the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons in 2017.
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