Welcome to Museum of the Bible Magazine!

Creating a magazine that engages people with the Bible and connects them to the museum has been a dream of ours since we opened the doors. At last, it’s a reality. And we’re so glad you’re here to celebrate its launch.
Museum of the Bible Magazine offers a new way to engage with the museum. We’ll look more deeply at some of our exhibitions, take you into one-on-one interviews with special guests, and join our curators in exploring some of their research into the Museum Collections.
To celebrate our launch, we’re posting three articles for your enjoyment. Each explores an exhibition: the first is a sneak peek at an extraordinary upcoming exhibition, the second tells a remarkable individual’s story, and the third focuses on a beloved possession. Let’s take a short look at each.
The first article focuses on Museum of the Bible’s upcoming exhibition focusing one of the most important documents in the history of human rights and liberty: the Magna Carta. On July 2, the museum will open this groundbreaking exhibition to the public. The star of the show is the 1217 Magna Carta, the first edition to be called “Magna Carta.” The charter on display is from Hereford Cathedral and is one of only four surviving 1217 editions. The exhibition begins in thirteenth-century England, but traces the Magna Carta’s impact through to the present. It explores the themes of just rule, personal rights and liberties, and the role of rulers and the ruled. The article here is just a glimpse, though, so after reading it make sure to visit the exhibition between July 2 and January 2022.
The second piece is a story of ingenuity, perseverance, and danger from the days of the Cold War. It’s the story of Ken Howard, and it’s very likely you’ve never heard it. But you’re certain to never forget it. Ken’s story began with a conversation with one young man in Moscow who wanted to know more about Scripture. That desire set Ken and others on a decades-long journey to bring Bibles into the USSR, something easier said than done. Make sure to read his story and see how an ordinary person can do extraordinary things with the right motivation.
Corrie ten Boom and her Bible are the subject of the last article. The Bible was a gift to Corrie from Rev. Billy Graham, and though it wasn’t her only one, she used it as a personal Bible for the rest of her life. It was the highlight of our exhibition, Light of Hope: The Corrie ten Boom Story. The exhibit looked at the motivation and encouragement Corrie took from the Bible throughout her life, but here we zoom in on this particular Bible. The article looks at how Corrie read her Bible, how she engaged with its words — at times, its very letters — drawing strength from each one.
And this is just the inaugural issue. On the last Friday of each month, we’ll be releasing new stories and videos that will engage you with the Bible and keep you connected to the museum. We hope you’ll keep reading. In the next issue, July 30, our lead story will be about a mural by famed artist Robert McCall that takes us back to the future.
Welcome to Museum of the Bible Magazine.
The Editorial Team