February 21, 2019 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Scholars Initiative Conference Room
Museum of the Bible
General Public - $25, Members - $20, Students - $10
About the Event
In 2017, the Tel Shimron excavations, an exciting research initiative of Museum of the Bible, started to dig at Tel Shimron, a city that spans the entire timeline of biblical history. Before this new initiative of the museum, Tel Shimron had never been excavated, despite being a large ancient metropolis of some 4,000 people. During this lecture, you will hear why this city is so important for understanding Galilee and the trade routes of the Jezreel Valley. You will also learn about the exciting finds of the first season, including discoveries from the time of the Canaanites through the era of the Romans. Come see how twenty-first century archaeologists from Wheaton College and Tel Aviv University go about investigating an ancient city for the first time and see the discoveries that set the stage for understanding the biblical world.

Daniel M. Master

Daniel M. Master is Professor of Archaeology at Wheaton College and co-director of excavations at Tel Shimron in Israel. Before beginning the Tel Shimron project, he spent 25 years excavating at the port city of Ashkelon, including ten years as director of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon sponsored by the Harvard Semitic Museum. In addition to publishing the results of the excavations from Ashkelon, he has curated museum exhibitions in New York and Jerusalem, edited the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, and published the results of the excavation of Tel Dothan in the West Bank.

Mario Martin

Mario A.S. Martin is a research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University and is the co-director of the Tel Shimron Excavations and the Megiddo Expedition. Martin, a distinguished field archaeologist, completed his doctorate work at the University of Vienna with Professor Manfred Bietak. His extensive field experience first and foremost includes his long-time work at the Austrian Archaeological Institute’s expedition to Tell el-Dab’a, Egypt, and twenty years of excavations at Megiddo, Israel. Martin has published numerous articles and a monography on Egyptian pottery and is co-editor of the Megiddo publication series.
Event Schedule
February 21, 2019
Doors Open
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
Meet and Greet
7 p.m.
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