Floor 4—The History of the Bible

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This exhibit will immerse guests in the Bible’s journey through time, technology, and culture—beginning as a collection of oral traditions and writings accessible to only a few people, undergoing major changes in form, being embraced by communities around the world, and becoming the most widely read text in history today.

The History of the Bible Artifacts

Over 600 fascinating artifacts, including early New Testament manuscripts, ancient coins, Torah scrolls, illuminated manuscripts, and rare printed Bibles, illustrate the remarkable history of the Bible. Start with “In the Beginning” and move counterclockwise to conclude with illumiNations, a showcase of global Bible translations!

Drive Thru History of the Bible Theater

Don’t know where to start with this much history? Join Dave Stotts, host of Drive Thru History, as he drives you through the places and events of the Bible, preparing you to discover the Bible's history as you explore the rest of the floor. The Drive Thru History of the Bible Theater shows a 12-minute introductory film every 15 minutes. You can also see Dave in mini-theaters throughout the floor to help you further explore the artifacts.

Drive Thru History - Museum of the Bible

Bible Reading Room

Listen to the words of the Bible and participate in the rich heritage of engaging with the Bible as a community in this quiet room that features readings from the Bible throughout the day.


illumiNations is an umbrella organization that brings together some of the world’s largest Bible translation organizations to coordinate their work and resources in order to make the Bible accessible to all people by 2033. There are around 7,000 languages in the world today, but approximately half have little or no access to the Bible in their native tongue.

In Museum of the Bible’s illumiNations exhibit, guests can see the progress being made and how much more there is to do through a display of current and ongoing Bible translations, with empty spaces marking every language still in need of a Bible. As we approach 2033, those empty spaces will be filled, creating a display of the Bible in every language in the world.